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What is the cost of testing for a BCSI microcredential?

Each microcredential is $20 per test per trainee.

How many tests does a trainee have to take?

As many as they want! We have trainees that test 1 skill and others that choose to test many.

How long is the test?

Each skill test is designed to be completed in 15 minutes.

How does a trainee get their results?

Results are emailed typically 2 weeks after testing along with instructions on how to deploy the credential on LinkedIn or in our SmartResume talent marketplace. A digital badge is issued to the trainee for any earned microcredentials.

What happens if a trainee fails?

Credentials will not be issued. A trainee can retake 30 days after testing after they have polished their skills. Any retakes cost $20 per test.

How do trainees claim their credentials?

Digital microcredentials are issued through Canvas Credentials. There are clear instructions to access and utilize the microcredentials in their credential award email (sent to the email used during registration).

What can a trainee do with their earned microcredentials?

Digital badges can be displayed on LinkedIn, SmartResume and many other online platforms. Many earners use the credentials to advocate for themselves for advancing in their careers, allowing them to waive traditional degrees and attain consideration for jobs for which they have clear skills qualification.

How long is the credential valid?

A credential is good for 2 years. Any trainee can renew their credential at no cost with evidence that they are still using the skill.